‘Not a great start to the day’

21st April, 2012

Chris woke up still feeling like her head was being crushed in a vice. She still felt fatigued & queasy. She has sore teeth, a mouth ulcer & a persistent dry mouth. Chris took her anti-nausea meds today & they helped with the queasiness.

Chris’s energy was low & my main focus was getting her to rest & eat highly nutritious food. So, I decided to make some good old fashioned chicken soup...organic, filled with vegies & love.


Our Saturday ended up being filled with lots of lounging together on the couch, snuggling..Yaye!




  1. You're such a wonderful wife. I hope the downtime and pain is minimal. I am thinking of you both. Love you xx

  2. Wish we were there xx Robbie

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this blog. Wish we weren't sick and could be with you guys. I hope Chris feels a little bit better today xx love Nat

  4. Darlink Kim, Keep it up, keep her strong and you'll get through it. Thanks so much for the updates.. i wish it was different, but it will be soon. Give my love to Chris.
    Stay amazing.

  5. Organic Chicken soup sounds awesome. *love to you both*
