Hosptial day Two & Three...

16th March, 2012

I woke up at 5.00am & immediately thought of Chris & how she was doing..I rushed back to see her, she was still groggy from the endone (pain killer) & the Drs had just done their rounds. The Drs decided that they wanted to keep her in as her blood pressure was still low.

Magda soon arrives & we spend the day trying to get her to eat. We sat quietly whilst she drifted in & out of sleep. Night time rolled around & Chris was still not herself. The low blood pressure persisted & she wasn't eating much. It was a tough time...Not only was she trying to recovery from the surgery but of course, weighing on all our minds, was the thought that she might have cancer. We all tried our best to keep her comfortable & as happy as one can be in hospital.

17th Match, 2012
So Saturday rolled around & I was back at the hospital, along with Chris's family. Chris was looking a bit better, which I was relieved to see. The nurses said her blood pressure was low but Chris was eating better. Chris had decided to stop taking the endone, as she felt it might have been making her feel worse. It was great to see her fighting through everything that has been going on. Chris truly has the most amazing spirit & on that day, it had kicked in, full force. Chris wanted to try some walking, as she was over being in hospital. The surgeon herself came around to see what was going on & why her blood pressure was still so low. Dr H explained to us that sometimes people were just slower to recover from surgery & that we shouldn't worry.

Early afternoon, we walked down to the cafeteria, all together, ever so slowly. To me, that walk was the best thing ever. Chris really just wanted out of the hospital & as there was nothing that they could actually do to bring up her blood pressure, she told them that she wanted to go home.

The Dr in charge at the time didn't want Chris to leave but Chris had made up her mind. So, begrudgingly, the Dr discharged her, with load of meds. He  told us that she needed plenty of rest & that we should just monitor her blood pressure...Any concerns, we were to bring her right back.

Ah I tell you, I couldn't have been happier to have her back home. Chris spent the next few days resting & sleeping & I was just so over the moon to listen to her relaxed, sleepy breaths, as she slumbered beside me on the couch.

The cartoon below is a bit of a inside joke regarding one of the Dr that saw Chris, he sounded just like Dracula. 

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